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Add sophisticated beauty to any room with this classically styled black and white marble chess set. The playing pieces are above average in size with the King measuring over 4 inches tall, on a 1 3/16 inch base. This beautiful set comes with a large 18 inch matching marble chess board. Each square on the board is 2 inches on a side. All of the marble chess pieces as well as the marble chess board have protective felt bottoms. This set is one of the better designed and affordable marble sets available. An excellent gift for the chess lover in your life.
 |    This is a generously-sized marble chess set - The King is over 4 inches tall, with a 1 3/16 inch diameter base, and the board is 18 inches on a side, with 2 inch squares of black and white marble, with a green marble border. This marble chess set is a wonderful present for your favorite chess player.

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