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Internet Luxuries Customer Service will be glad to assist you with your purchase of a luxury chess set.
Internet Luxuries Incorporated was founded in 1999 in Arden Hills, Minnesota by people who are excited about the Internet and its marketing potential. We are a Minnesota-based company with a world-wide reach, due to the power of the Internet. Our principals include a sales manager experienced in presenting international products to a US market, and a group of software engineers with a passion for e-commerce and a combined total experience of over 50 years in software development.
The vision of the principals is to develop an online marketplace where upscale, sophisticated customers could find products to enhance their lifestyles. Luxurious home/office accents such as fine Peruvian rugs were chosen as the initial focus, and have proven to be quite popular. Gradually, Internet Luxuries seeks to expand its inventory with products which are unique, unusual, and which reflect favorably upon the good taste and discrimination of their owners. Current efforts in this regard include the development of in-house decorative accessories as well as the marketing of outside products via our websites, www.SoftRugs.com or www.LuxuryChess.com.
Beyond an "of course" focus on excellent service, Internet Luxuries' overarching strategy is attract and keep a loyal clientele through careful product selection. All items offered must provide high value and must be of the highest quality to retain customer confidence. Response to our alpaca rugs and exclusive line of machined metal chess sets from satisfied customers has been extremely gratifying. We seek to continue this trend by selling only products that will generate extremely high acceptance rates from our clientele.
Today, our products are found in thousands of the finest homes, lodges and executive suites in America. We invite you to explore our websites for unique additions to your environment. We solicit contact with manufacturers who wish to market their own unique and upscale products to a discriminating clientele, and from investors seeking to profit from the exciting new age of internet retailing.
We will be happy to take your order personally, or answer any questions you may have. Contact us at
1-877-658-9879 Email: