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The Chess Challenges have been divided into three sequences (Lines A, B & C). Generally, the order of difficulty increases from left to right, but there are wild exceptions to that rule (see links below).
We will be posting Chess Challenges and their solutions periodically. Check back often to see the new Chess Challenges!
From this index page you can jump to any specific chess Challenge you like. After finding what you believe to be the best move in a given situation, advance to the next Challenge in the sequence to see the answer (For the answer to the BrainTeaser on this page, click the below links to the first Challenge in Lines A, B, or C). You can also jump back to this index page from each Challenge.
We use the following notation system for our Challenges: Every square on the chess board is given a coordinate which is a pair of a lower case letter from a to g and a number from 1 to 8 as shown on our graphic. The lower left corner is a1 and the upper right corner is h8.
The chess pieces are designated by upper case letters as follows: K is King, Q is Queen, B is Bishop, N is Knight, and R is Rook. The Pawn has no symbol. A Pawn move is indicated by a lowercase letter indicating the pawn's file (d3 would indicate that a pawn has moved to the d3 square).
Castling on the King's side is designated by 0-0 and on the Queen side by 0-0-0.
The letter 'x' is used to indicate a piece is taken.
A plus sign (+) indicates check.
A pound sign (#) indicates checkmate.
Three dots (...) following a move number indicates a Black move (1...f4 indicates that Black's first move is to bring the pawn to f4).
A slash (/) with a capital letter to the right of the slash indicates a pawn promotion (b1/Q shows that the pawn on the b file moved to the b1 square and was promoted to Queen).
An exclamation point (!) indicates a good move and a !! indicates a brilliant move.
A question mark (?) indicates a poor move and ?? indicates a serious blunder.
Finally, below each diagram we indicate whose turn it is, for the Challenge (e.g. White to Move).
Index to Challenges
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